
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Crazy busy week with family

We spent the past week in Houston with family and whew, I am tired. My dad had a business meeting in Houston so Em and I drove out there to spend some time with him for a few days. He left us Friday and Hans took a bus from Houston to join us for my godbrother's law school graduation.

And while it was so much fun and we love seeing family, it was also a very rough week. We learned that Emma cannot sleep in hotel rooms or in the same room as us. Or, we think, anywhere that is not her own crib in her own room. Good gracious, I think I slept more her first week home. Poor girl screamed her heart out all night, every night. It was so rough.

That being said, I'm not going to go into much detail about our trip. Sentences seem unnecessary. So the pictures will do most of the talking.

Fun with Grandpa. He's her very best friend. When we got to the hotel, he was waiting for her in the lobby, and she got a big smile and shouted "Ba-Pa!" They just played and played. We were so sad to have him leave.
This is what no sleep looks like
Pickle tug-of-war
And congrats to Aaron on his huge accomplishment! We are so proud of him and so glad that he's done.
She wanted to kiss him so bad!
And then we had a little mini-photo shoot in the backyard with our high energy girl who was hamming it up for the camera. Good thing she's this cute - totally makes up for the lack of sleep!

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