
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

A peek at our week

Oh, just a lil of this and a lil of that.

It has been so cold and rainy lately. Perfect for cuddling in bed and watching Curious George. I am loving it.
She found this hat my grandmother made her when she was a baby. It's a little snug lately but she has loved wearing it around the house. That cheesy grin!

A new fun thing of hers lately is doing this little happy dance while she eats. She is definitely my child.
Saturday she took a super long, super late nap. I didn't mean for it to happen, but I fell asleep, too. I woke up at 5:30 going "well, crap. bedtime is not happening." So we went to the outlet mall. Yay for late night shenanigans...
She has become very aware of our dogs lately. She has learned to say "puppies" and she wants to love on them all the time.
The fat one is responding well. I don't love the mouth kisses.
We get loopy when we're tired. Also... dog photo bomb FTW.
This guy. We love him. He recently passed the bar (WOOOOOO!) and was sworn in today. Em was soooo happy to have him in town. He's one of her favorite people. Congrats, we are so proud of you.
12 years ago today we went on our first date. We celebrated (how else?) with burgers and milkshakes at Hopdoddy's. It's been a good 12 years :)
And now there are three. Perfect :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, those are the CUTEST, funnest family photos :) Em will love looking back on those as she grows!
