
Thursday, April 2, 2015

em & me is ONE! (+ a giveaway)

Today is a special day! One year ago I started this little blog, not really knowing what I was doing. Well, I still don't know what I'm doing but I'm so grateful to everyone who reads and encourages me. It's been a fun year and I have some new ideas I'm excited to try in the coming year.
I could think of no more fitting way to celebrate the blog turning one than to host a giveaway! So much of this past year has been about how much Em loves reading and all our book adventures together, and we would love to share that adventure with you. Now through next 11:59 p.m. next Wednesday, you can enter to win a book bundle of some of our favorite books. Happy entering, and good luck!
Bundle includes: Where the Wild Things Are, Goodnight Moon, Olivia Saves the Circus, Giraffes Can't Dance, Little Blue Truck, The Pout-Pout Fish, Go Dog Go!, I Love You Stinky Face, Hug Time, Guess How Much I Love You


  1. Awesome giveaway! would love to win! :)

  2. I don't remember my favorite books right off the top of my head but right now Max is obsessed with "Digger Man" "Train Man" and "Fire Engine Man" lol

  3. Such a cute idea for a giveaway!! Love reading your blog Erika!

  4. This is so nice of you! Most of these titles are some of our favorites to check out from the library. Some of them are new to us. What fun!

  5. Our current favorite is the big orange splot but there are so many good ones it's hard to pick just one.

  6. Awesome giveaway my two love Llama Llama books!!

  7. Congrats on your first year girl! Maverick's favorite right now is Gotcha by Gail Jorgensen :)--Kelsey

  8. R & V currently loooove Shel Silverstein poems.

  9. One year? Go girl! Lincolns favorites is the little blue truck! 😄

  10. I love the book A Sick Day for Amos McGee
