
Monday, August 24, 2015

We are family

One of the best parts of this trip was just getting to spend so much time with family. Em was in heaven being surrounded by so many people who love her!

Sunday was one of the most perfect days. My dad really wanted our family to have a little barbecue on the beach and he and Josh really pulled together a great little evening.

Look at those smiles!
My parents didn't wear swimsuits because they didn't intend to get in. But when Emma's in charge, you don't have a choice!!
Running from waves! 
haha he got a little wet ;)
Em got a little chilly as the sun went down. Since Texas is still blazing and this kid is growing like a weed, we haven't bought her any sweaters or jackets yet. Good thing Grandma's jacket is a perfect fit!
It really bugged her that this umbrella wasn't straight up and down. OCD much?
I just wanted to share this lovely pic of Hans and my uncle Hyun cramming their faces.
And then Em got in on the action. I didn't even think she'd eat a hot dog, but those were some dang good hot dogs!
My dad scored this awesome firepit off amazon... it was perfect!
Oh, just cuddling fireside with her best friend.
Then we made s'mores.... yummy!
It was the perfect night. And we had so much fun on all the other days, too!
Stealing grandma's sweater... again. 
Cheesin' hard while out to dinner at PF Changs. She loves those horses!
It was a little dark for this pic, but she loved reading books with them each night.
And she totally loved cuddling up with Uncle Hyun to watch her favorite, Mary Poppins.

One night, almost everyone was at bridal showers or bachelor parties, so Bapa took Em on a little date! Of course there was ice cream. No wonder he's her favorite.

It's only been a week, but we sure miss everyone.

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