
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

She Teaches Fearlessly

Today I am pleased to announce the launch of She Teaches Fearlessly, a new website for LDS women to which I will be contributing.

The site's founder, the incredibly impressive Kelly Westover, contacted me a few weeks ago about participating and after she explained her vision to me, of course I wanted to be a part! She explained her vision: "She Teaches Fearlessly as a team of LDS women who are dedicated to answering Elder Nelson’s call in the October 2015 LDS Conference. Together, we teach fearlessly the gospel in our homes, neighborhoods and communities. Join us in the call to serve and teach, fearlessly. #sheteachesfearlessly." launches TODAY so please take a moment to check it out and see all the many things it will have to offer. I'm particularly stoked about a little project in the works - daily devotionals that will aid personal study of the Book of Mormon and serve as a complement to the 2016 Sunday School course of study. As someone currently serving in Primary, I often feel that I am "missing out" on spiritual nourishment and progression because I am not attending Sunday School or Relief Society each week. I'm excited to work on these devotionals to help push my personal study to a more meaningful level.

In addition to following the site, you can find us on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter! Thanks for following, I look forward to teaching fearlessly with you.