
Thursday, April 3, 2014

Love List: Get Happy

Last night my dear SIL and I were talking about some hard things we're both dealing with right now. She's a great inspiration to me because she always seems so positive when I'm being a total downer. I told her how this week I started keeping a gratitude journal to try and make myself look for the good in each day.

You'll get a light and easy version here each week. Thursdays sound like a good day for gratitude, no? Here's five things making me happy this week.

1. The way this kid walks.
Seriously. Girl's got swagger.

2. Pharrell's "Happy."

Em and I are both obsessed with this song and listen to it 15 times a day. She gets this big smile on her face when it comes on and sticks her hands up and starts shakin' dat booty.

3. Catching up on Veronica Mars.
I've watched the whole series a couple times, but it's been a few years. Before I see the new Veronica Mars movie (which I hear is very, very good) I wanted a refresher. So I'm binge watching, thanks to Amazon Prime :) And still laughing my head off. Can I be Veronica when I grow up?

4. Shutterfly photo books.

I'm on a bit of a kick right now. I'm working on putting together a family photo book for 2013 and having a hard time figuring out which photos to put in it! I get kinda in the zone and Hans has to remind me to go to bed.

5. TCBY has almond milk froyo!

We love froyo. Fo' real. I had to give up dairy when Emma was born (that whole reflux thing) and I have really missed my froyo fixes. Until... {insert drumroll}.... TCBY now has almond milk yogurt! We went Monday night... vanilla with crushed thin mints. Heck yes! Sorry I have no pictures. I ate it all. Surprisingly, Em wasn't a big fan. We let her taste test greek yogurt and vanilla and she made faces, but she did eat *some* of the strawberry. Go figure, I thought she'd love it!

Hope you're all having a happy week.

1 comment:

  1. Love the way Emma walks, the little skirt goes side to side! - Alex
