
Thursday, May 22, 2014

Love List: Princess dress up and pretty/yummy things

1. Princess Dress-Up
My sweet little cousin Madi came over today to play with Em and me. It was the perfect excuse to play dress-up with this amazing dress that Madi made for Emma's birthday. Isn't it darling? She is so talented and we had such a fun morning.
2. Tiny Toms
I'm kind of obsessed with tiny Toms.  Em's very first pair of shoes (and the ones she wears almost every day) are these little pink Toms. They've sure taken a beating, but she loves them and we get so many compliments when she wears them. Sadly, she is getting awfully close to growing out of them. We've already gotten two new pairs in the next size - pink mary janes and teal glitter ones. But I think she could probably still use a few more, yes? Just look at all the cute ones they have available for the summer! How will I ever choose?


3. Milk sharing
Last week my buddy Jess opened my freezer and about had a heart attack when she saw how much breastmilk I had stored in there. "What are you going to do with it?!?!" she asked. I shrugged. I looked into donation but didn't qualify as a donor and I could probably sell it on craigslist but that sounded potentially weird and difficult. The next day, Jess had found (through her midwives network) a woman who recently adopted and really wanted to feed her new son breastmilk as much as possible. The woman (and her cute son!) came over the next day to collect all of mine - just under 400 ounces! It felt so good to be able to help that sweet boy out. I'm grateful that I have never had any production problems and have always had enough for my own, and a few others as well!

4. Chocolate Covered Katie
When you're with family, it seems like all you do is eat. And eat, we did. So I'm trying to take it easy this week and eat a little better, but I can't seem to kick an awful sweet tooth! That's why I'm so glad I found Chocolate Covered Katie. I've been using her recipes for a couple years and I don't think I've ever had one I don't like. And they have much less guilt! Tonight I made the cake batter dip and ate it with graham crackers and it was soooo tasty. It's made mostly from garbanzo beans (weird, but good!), oats, applesauce, and almond butter. I also recommend the brownie batter dip and both the chocolate chip and mocha mug cakes. You know you want one right now...

5. Peonies
After our trip to Houston, I came home to find my beautiful Mother's Day flowers dead. It made me sad enough to have a Phoebe Buffay-style funeral for them. So today when I saw these beautiful peonies at Trader Joe's, I knew they would help me get through the mourning process.  And I LOVE peonies and you don't see them much at HEB. Aren't they a pretty color? Guess I'll just have to get new flowers each week - they make me so happy!

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