
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Memorial Day: Photo Not Found

Three day weekends are heaven-sent.

And usually we try to "take advantage" of long weekends to get a bunch of stuff done that we've been putting off. Not this weekend. We didn't do anything on our to-do list - we just played. And it was wonderful! And we also didn't pull our phones out much, which means I pretty much don't have any photos of our fun weekend. Oops! But I take that as a good sign. We were busy making memories :)

I do have a few, though. We went on a little date night Friday to our favorite bakery, Crema. They put in a kid table and Em loves it - she loves feeling like a big girl.
Saturday morning we continued our goal of finding and taking pictures at all of Austin's murals/street art. This one was close to the new Toms flagship store/cafe so we had a lovely breakfast there.
Oh, just in a rocking chair at Cracker Barrel at the outlets. I'm surprised we didn't have to bring this home with us.

And this. 'Cuz bath time is so cute.
404 image not found: Monday we attended our ward's Memorial Day Breakfast. They had a "parade" for the kiddos and we took Em's cozy coupe. She was in heaven cruising along with the big kids. We then went to a "swim party" but thanks to a rainy day, it turned into sitting around the living room watching the kids play together. Still fun. And then we met some good friends for dinner at Hopdoddy's. These sweet girls had fun climbing all over things.
A perfect weekend. I love doing nothing and everything with my little family. Hope you all had a wonderful three-day weekend and great Memorial Day.

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