
Monday, July 21, 2014

Mama Monday: Baby library

Punkito's collection of books is growing by the day. I love it! But now what to do with them... Up 'til now all baby books were just kinda stuffed into a basket on our dresser. It can hold no more!
Solution: Ikea picture ledges!

We went with the intention of getting these RIBBA picture ledges, but there were other ones right next to them. I can't find them on Ikea's website or remember what they were called - sorry! I think it started with a V... so maybe it was part of the Virserum series? In any event, the Ribba ones would work just as well, but we liked that the ones we got looked a little more like molding instead of just plain, straight boards. So we picked up three of the 21 inch ledges at $10 a pop.
After scoping out several potential spots for the shelves, we ended up going with the spot behind her bedroom door. It's not ideal, but our primary goal with these book ledges was to put them at Emma's height so she would be able to reach them and read any time she wants.

And that she does. Sometimes, like today, she pulled a book off, "read it," then pulled the next one, "read," and continued for several books. Thankfully she does enjoy putting them back on the shelf, too.
For now, we just keep her favorites and sturdier board books on the shelf and some of the lesser read ones are still in the basket. I love our new little baby library and I highly recommend getting some of these picture ledges - perfect for encouraging little reading. Read on!

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