Confession time: Late Thursday night Hans and I finally got around to making plans for the Fourth of July. And I got really down on myself when I realized I waited too long and was scrambling to find something to make the day special for Emma. I was frustrated because I couldn't find any good parades or carnivals to take her to and Austin wasn't offering fireworks in town this year (don't get me started about this inane business...)
The day started off rocky - we tried to go for brunch and the lines were obscene. We ended up grabbing a quick taco and then browsing the aisles of Target (which, let's be real, always cheers me up). As we were pulling all the toys off the shelves, we got a text from our friends inviting us over for a BBQ and pool swim.
Now Em is so well crib-trained that she refuses to sleep anywhere else. But in an Independence Day miracle, she slept in her pack-n-play at the Edwards' house for a full 2.5 hours! It was glorious. We ate and swam and danced and had a blast. Hans looks like a lobster now.
This photo killed me, but I figured it needed to be censored for the blog. That kid was getting the shorts tossed right off him! |
Mama chilled pool-side with a delicious faux mojito |
To me, no Fourth of July would be complete without burgers and ice cream and fireworks. So we stopped for some tasty burgers and a glorious milkshake (I think she liked it!) and then headed to neighboring Kyle for their fireworks show. We really enjoyed both the show and the symphony that played before hand.
baby teenager moment |
Saturday we slept in late. Our child is awesome. Pretty much no matter what time she goes to sleep, she's going to sleep 12 hours. So since we were out late for the fireworks (I think she finally got to sleep right before 11), I actually went in and woke her up at 10 on Saturday so that we didn't get *too* off her schedule. Then we met up with our favie fav Liz who helped us with our mural tour and then we gorged on Gourdough's. After naptime, we rounded out our day with more swimming.
Sunday was just a lazy day in the house, playing and napping together. It was the perfect way to round out our busy weekend.
Hope everyone else had a wonderful Fourth, too!
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