
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Grateful for Priesthood Blessings

Today has been rough. One for the books.

Em and I met Daddy for lunch at Chick Fil A. We were having a blast - she seemed happy and hungry. Then out of nowhere she just started vomiting. Over and over and over. I have never seen such quantities. All three of us were soaked, the entire table was covered, as was the floor. It was terrible.

With no fever and no other symptoms, we thought maybe it was something she ate or she choked a little on something and it triggered her gag reflex. We got home and cleaned up and put her down for a nap. She woke up throwing up again. Worried about dehydration, we tried to give her water, which she promptly threw up. So went the next 12 hours. She can't keep anything down, not water, not breastmilk, not pedialyte, not anything. So far we've gotten a record 30 minutes of sleep. It's going to be a long night.

This is right now.
Daddy rocked her and laid next to her and they are both asleep. For the moment. So I'm taking a minute to breathe.

Which leads me to today's spiritual thought: How grateful I am for priesthood blessings for the sick. She wasn't too thrilled tonight when Daddy put both hands on her head and gave her a blessing. She squirmed and cried. But I felt more peaceful, more protected. I am grateful for the priesthood power in our home and grateful that Heavenly Father allows us to be blessed through it.
"In the Church, blessings are available to all who are worthy through those authorized and even appointed to give priesthood blessings... Worthy fathers and grandfathers, as well as other Melchizedek Priesthood holders, may give blessings to members in times of sickness and when important events occur. Such individual blessings are part of the continuous revelation that we claim as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints." - James E. Faust, October 1995 Conference
Send some healthy wishes our way. And maybe check tomorrow to make sure we're all still in one piece.

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