
Thursday, August 28, 2014

Love List: Crazy Emma Things

1. Swim lessons
This was the highlight of our week - Emma started her first swim lessons! She worked on getting in and out of the pool by herself, blowing bubbles under the water, and floating on her tummy and back while kicking her legs. I'm not sure we made much progress, but she (and we!) had so much fun. I think it really helped to see the other kids in her class and try and copy them. Can't wait for next week :)

2. Splash monster
This crazy girl loves to make us laugh. She has these triggers that make her go crazy in attempts to make us laugh. Bath time has become a very wet event for all of us.

3. Splash pad tunnel
Even though we want summer to be endless, the rest of the world seems to be moving on :( All the fun pools and splash pads around Austin are closing so we made one last trip to our favorite splash pad. At the beginning of the summer Em hated splash pads and wouldn't go near them. Now she pokes her head right in. She was practicing going through this little tunnel but couldn't quite understand why she couldn't get under some of the smaller ones. Silly girl.

4. Toot
Em's latest book obsession is Toot. She makes us read it over and over and over. Hans and I are not fans of it, but for some reason she loves it. It's really silly. Thanks, Bapa (sense the sarcasm?).

5. Leo the Lion
She learned this song in nursery (we clearly didn't... I'm pretty sure I've got the words wrong) and she LOVES it. Her little roar kills me.

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