
Thursday, August 7, 2014

Love List: She's a funny kid

This week's Lovelist is all about Punkito's funny little quirks. She has been making us laugh so hard lately! I love her little personality. It shoes more and more each day.

1. Tunnel fun
We got a fun little surprise in the mail from Bapa yesterday. Since Emma's been kind of down lately with teething and trouble sleeping, he thought it might cheer her up. Boy, did it ever. She spent the next 30 minutes going in and out, in and out, giggling the whole time. It was wonderful to hear her laughing. Thanks, Bapa!
I tried to chase her through and got stuck...
2. Mama's little helper
Lately, Em really wants to help Mama in the kitchen. Most of the time she's content to cook in her play kitchen, but often she grabs my legs and wants to sit on the counter and help me.
Mama, let me help! 
3. Rocking the bad sunglasses
Hans and I both had to get our eyes dilated this week. Booooo. I must be getting old, because I don't remember it affecting me so adversely in the past. I was nauseous and useless for hours.
Emma thought the glasses were pretty great, though. She rocked them all over the house for a couple days. They fell off her face easily and it was really cute how she kept bringing them to us to put them back on her.

4. Stealing Shoes
The other day I am in the living room and I hear this THUMP shuffle THUMP shuffle THUMP shuffle over and over again. I turn the corner to see that she has managed to put on just one of daddy's sandals and is parading around the house in it.
A few days later it was Uncle's lifting shoes.
What is it with this kid and shoes??

5. S'mores Cupcakes
Did you know I love s'mores? I'm kind of obsessed with them. Since Em came along, I bake far less than I used to. But every once in a while, I get the itch to whip something up.
Marshmallow cream filling!
These Cinnamon Graham S'mores Cupcakes from Baked By Rachel are out of this world. May be my new favorite cupcake. May be the only cupcake I make from now on. Tryyyy them. Or come here so I have an excuse to bake them for you. (P.S. I doubled the recipe and used half white sugar, half brown sugar).

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