
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Separation anxiety and sense of humor

Dude. My very independent child has all of a sudden hit a crazy separation anxiety phase. It's nuts! I can't leave the room without her having a small breakdown. Witness:
So that's happening. It's made this week feel really long.

On the flip side, she's been really cuddly and sweet, which I love! And funny. Gosh, she is a funny kid.
Any time I can't find her, she is reading this book my dad got her, Hiccupotamus. Obsessed!

She picked this up from her cousin Ryan. I don't know what it is but it is so, so funny. She keeps doing it to make us laugh and it keeps working.

Beating her own drum.

Recently discovered trains. Now everything goes "Choo choo!"

The best part of going to a birthday party is getting a balloon! She's never been so happy.

New trick: Making fishes faces!! While acting like a fish in the water.
And we had a great family date night this week. Uncle Joshy, too! We went to Amy's Ice Creams on South Congress to add to our mural project and then had some tasty ice cream. Emma doesn't like chocolate... what?! So that means she ate daddy's :) And ran around with her uncle. 
Love our little family.

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