It's time to reveal Punkito's Halloween costume! Virtual drum-roll, please...
She's Lilo, from her favorite movie!
This was at our ward's Trunk-or-Treat on Friday. Hans and I are supposed to have matching costumes, but mama didn't get 'em done in time. Hopefully they will be ready by actual trick-or-treating.

This was surprisingly easy to put together, especially after last year's ridiculous undertaking. I just used one of the ubiquitous tutorials on Pinterest. It took me a while to get to it, ya know how you put off things you don't want to or are not sure how to do, and then I was surprised how easy it was. All I needed was one of those stretchy headbands from Hobby Lobby and some spools of hunter green tulle (6") that I got off Amazon. Then you just cut (I did my skirt 13", so I cut 26.5" strips) and tie them through the holes of a headband. It literally took me an evening in front of a couple episodes of House Hunters. Awesome. The red top is actually a dress we found at Crazy 8s on clearance. And the head piece is from Party City, a fern lei that I just cut and tied. The Stitch doll was her souvenir from Disneyland, partly because we knew we were doing this costume.

She had a GREAT time at Trunk-or-Treat, much more than I expected. She loved carrying her little pumpkin bucket and having people put stuff in it. She doesn't care about the candy and let's be real, Hans, Josh and I ate it all, but it's fun to walk around with the other kids and collect it. She loved the car decorations, too. All in all, a great time was had! Made me very excited for Halloween in a few days.
In other news this weekend, we went to the Texas Book Festival at the Capitol, trying to encourage our budding little bookworm. I have to say, I was a little disappointed. It wasn't what I expected. I don't know if it's because we went a little later in the day or what, but there weren't as many kids' activities as I was expecting. Still, we got to meet one of her favs, Curious George, listen to a steel drum band, and, of course, explore tons of books. Maybe when she's a little older we might get more out of it.
Look, who's that?! |
Hey... you're a lot different than the George I know... |
Now go away. I'm reading. |