
Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween, friends! I hope all you ghouls and goblins are having more treats than tricks today. We are out having some hallow's eve fun, but I wanted to do a quick post and show off the fun Halloween party our play group had the other day!

After! Madness. 
Um, yes. Definitely my child. Who cares about decorating when you can eat?
Just a few more sprinkles...
He was NOT having this... haha love you Baby L!
I looked up and this one's stabbing his cookie. His mama should probably sleep with one eye open...
She totally got into the decorating. In between eating. 
Gotta have some snacks, and cute Halloween ones are abundant on good ol' Pinterest
Then it was time to paint pumpkins! Nothing cuter than 8 toddlers stripped down to their diapers. Don't worry... it's totally Crayola washable paint. One of my better decisions ;) 
Got a little war paint going on there, kid
I showed her how to make little dots with the brush and kinda chanted "Poke-A-Dot!" and she starts mimicking me going "doh-DOOOH-DAAAAAH!" It was too cute.
As the party was winding down, I couldn't find Emma. Turns out, she had run back to the kitchen and was *determined* to get to that frosting. I'm not even mad, that's just impressive.
My little future baker. Love!
I think my kid ate her weight in frosting. I never imagined she'd love cookie decorating so much. We will definitely have to do this again! Hope you all are having a sweet Halloween :)

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