
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

A little visit to the farm

What could top our fun-filled trick-or-treat experience? Nothing, I thought. But my godmother had other plans in store. Saturday they took us to a place in Houston called Old McDonald's Farm. I think she saw how much fun we had a few weeks ago at Sweet Berry Farms and wanted to do something like that again. And it did not disappoint!
Sigh. These two. They are my favorites.
There was this little train that did a quick loop around the grounds. Ryan was obsessed. I think he rode it 20 times. Emma loved it, too, maybe just not as many times ;)
She now can say "Mimi" and has it correctly assigned to the right person! And she really worked it well this weekend.
Mimi and PaPaw got a few rides in with the kiddos
Feeding the goats... she got a kick out of their tongues tickling her hand
She also perfected her "baaaaa" sound
These jumping goats scared other kids, but made her laugh. Fearless, I swear.
One of her favorite parts of the day? Jumping in the hay. For probably half an hour. Hilarious.
She seemed interested in the horses as we waited in line, but we really thought she'd hate it. I mean, she hated the carousel at Disney, right? We figured we'd stick her on a horse and try and take a quick picture before she flipped out.
Off they go
She looks like a natural!
Totally, completely loving it. She actually CRIED when we took her off. I've never seen her do that before. I see riding lessons in our future...
See? Not every moment is picture perfect. Because... terrible twos.
She always has that tongue out. It kills us.
She wanted to bring home every pumpkin in the place. This girl was made for fall.
Very gross, very wet, very wonderful kisses
Love my little family
It's nearly impossible to take a photo with two toddlers. Close enough, right?
Don't know what I would do without these two.
Thanks for a wonderful weekend, Powells!

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