
Thursday, November 13, 2014

Love list: Shoes and Books

1. Finally - Freshly Picked!
You may have seen a couple months ago that I entered a contest over and over and over again. Well... it was worth it! We won!! And so got a free pair of Freshly Picked moccs that I have been dyyyyyiiiing to have. They got lost in the mail and I was devastated. But miracle of miracles... they arrived last night! And we are so in love with them. She started squealing and running back and forth across the house. Even though she doesn't usually wear shoes in the house, she has been wearing these nonstop. Who wants to buy her 500 more pairs, one in every color?

2. New boots
Remember how I've been drooling over new boots for like, ten years? I finally got some, thanks to my sweet godmother! You like-y? They're from DSW, Bare Traps Striking. They're a little wider, just the right height, so comfy and warm. The search is over, folks!
Hmmmm... I couldn't find a good picture of just the boots, but this is them!
3. Where the Wild Things Are
And we have a new favorite. Any time I can't find my kiddo, she's hiding in her bedroom looking through this book and babbling to herself. I love it!! Any time we ask her if she wants to read, she nods and takes off running to her reading chair. So cute!

4. Fault in Our Stars
Oh my stars. Am I the last person to see this? I have been dying to see it but never made it to the theaters. We finally got around to seeing it once it hit Redbox and I'm so glad we did. I'm actually not a huge fan of Shailene Woodley (I run hot and cold. Sometimes I love her. Sometimes she's just meh) and I don't think Ansel Elgort is very attractive. And let's be real, he was stiff as a board in Divergent so I thought he couldn't act. So I was pleasantly surprised by how well both of them did! I really loved how they played their characters. And while I didn't cry reading the book (ok, one line. By Hazel's mother), I sobbed through the last half of the movie. So good! If you haven't seen it yet, you should. Did great justice to a wonderful book.

5. Gone Girl
Ugh, I did it again. That thing where I get sucked into a book and stay up waaaaayyyyy too late because I just *have* to finish it. The first 150 pages or so I was like, "Hey, this is interesting, but I'm not sure what the hype is about." And then it got SO. GOOD. Dark. Twisty. Brilliant. I'm hesitant to recommend it though - it was a little too graphic for my taste. It's a fantastic book, so long as you can stomach that stuff. Just don't get sucked in at midnight. Your toddler will make sure to wake up extra early the next day.

1 comment:

  1. Speaking of Shailene Woodley:
