
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Dear Santa

Did you know that when you drop a letter to Santa in the Macy's mailbox, they will make a donation to the Make-A-Wish Foundation? I didn't know that until my cute friend blogged about it a few weeks ago. After I read her post, I knew we had to do that!

We made a whole day of it and brought the grandparents along for the ride.

Mama helped write. We told Santa how good Em has been this year.
Then she added her own personal flair. All over it.
So much fun to drop it in the mailbox like a big girl!
Outside Macy's, Opa helped her drop some change in the bucket. That's fun, too.
Oma and Emma loved the huge tree at the Domain!
Hopefully, by next year Em will understand the whole "Santa" thing a little better. I can't wait to see what she says in her letter when she comes up with the words on her own.

On a related note, I saw this blog post from the Huffington Post a couple weeks ago, Why The Whole Family Benefits When Kids Believe in Santa. Obviously, we've made the decision to do Santa, mostly from a sense of tradition. But I really appreciated the points this author made. Something to think about!

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