Did you know that when you drop a letter to Santa in the Macy's mailbox, they will make a donation to the Make-A-Wish Foundation? I didn't know that until my cute friend blogged about it a few weeks ago. After I read
her post, I knew we had to do that!
We made a whole day of it and brought the grandparents along for the ride.
Mama helped write. We told Santa how good Em has been this year. |
Then she added her own personal flair. All over it. |
So much fun to drop it in the mailbox like a big girl! |
Outside Macy's, Opa helped her drop some change in the bucket. That's fun, too. |
Oma and Emma loved the huge tree at the Domain! |
Hopefully, by next year Em will understand the whole "Santa" thing a little better. I can't wait to see what she says in her letter when she comes up with the words on her own.
On a related note, I saw this blog post from the Huffington Post a couple weeks ago,
Why The Whole Family Benefits When Kids Believe in Santa. Obviously, we've made the decision to do Santa, mostly from a sense of tradition. But I really appreciated the points this author made. Something to think about!
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