
Thursday, January 29, 2015

Love list: Toddler bedding picks

One of my dad's favorite stories to tell about me is about the mornings he used to lay in bed until he heard a loud "THUNK" and then patter patter patter down the hallway before my head popped into their room. He curses my mom's college roommate for teaching me how to climb out of my crib.

I have dreaded that day happening for Em. But yesterday during what was supposed to be naptime, I peeked in to see her putting her foot up on the rail. She couldn't get up, but she was trying her hardest. I fear my days are numbered. We are going to try and fight it as long as possible (because I'm pretty sure no crib = no nap ever again), but that doesn't mean we're not starting to think about it.

Among other things we've considered to ease the transition, we are thinking about moving her to a new room, new settings and making a big deal of her fun new "big girl bed." So I have been checking out toddler bedding. And there are so many cute ones I'm having a hard time picking! Here are some of my favs.
1. Well Nested, Land of Nod
2. The Littlest (Etsy)
3. Gold Dot, Pottery Barn Kids
4. Arrow bedding, Caden Lane (via Buy Buy Baby)
5. Treetops, DwellStudio
6. Pink Velvet Petticoat, Land of Nod (would a twin size be too big? Maybe we should just go straight to a twin bed...)
7. Washed Fleur Applique, Restoration Hardware
8. Pink Surprise Party Balloon, Land of Nod
Question for you: What SIZE should a toddler quilt/comforter be? The sizes of these seem to vary greatly. And if you have any other recommendations for great sources for toddler bedding, let me know!

1 comment:

  1. I haven't any info on toddler bedding. We just dropped the crib side when I was too pregnant to lean over the railing, and boy continued to use his baby blankets. He often chooses a new quilt from around the house, and I steal back his previous selection. Right now he has my pink, queen-sized quilt from my teen days all bunched up into a warm nest.
