
Friday, January 9, 2015

The rest of our holidays

Here's the part where I dump all the other random photos from our busy, busy holiday season. I love that Austin has so many great family-friendly events!
First up was the Hill Country Galleria "Snow Day." It was a teeny little patch of what looked like bags of ice shoved through a wood chipper.There were probably more kids trying to play in it than there were bags of ice used. Em's face says it all, "You expect me to play in THIS?"
"Umm... maybe?"
"Yeah, no. Just no." 
But then she got a free balloon and it became the best day ever.
We got to get all dressed up for Hans' company work party. There's a raffle every year, and Hans seems to win every year! Score! Some people have all the luck ;)
And our ward Christmas party. Em loved the fun dress up photo booth 
Em and I tried the annual "Tuba Christmas" at the Capitol. I really enjoyed it - there were more tubas than I expected and I was surprised they were quite good! Em didn't seem very interested, and I just tried to corral her the whole time. Next year I'll plan to go early and pack a picnic lunch. The event itself was pretty neat.
Hans' parents joined us for the light show at Mozart's. This was probably our favorite event we went to! They have a 15 minute show every hour, on the hour. We got there right as one show was ending, which was perfect! People got up and we got a great seat. Dress warmly - it was freezing. We enjoyed chocolate cake and hot cocoa and the show was super fun.
Totally enthralled.
And has cake all over her face.
When it was over, she was signing for "more." Or it could have been for more cake...
We made a special trip just to see the Zilker tree. Punkito was not having it. Sad. 
This is what life with a toddler looks like sometimes. (a lot of the time, lately...)
All dressed up for Christmas Sunday!
Christmas with this little girl was truly magical.

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