
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Let's go fly a kite

This weekend was perfect. Like, blue skies, not a cloud in sight, warm, nothing we had to do and nowhere we had to be.

So we grabbed a blanket and a few fun toys and headed to Zilker Park. It was Em's first time to fly a kite and she absolutely loved it.
She wasn't sure what was going on, but she was excited. 
She kept trying to grab it out of the air. I think she thought it was a lot closer than it was.
She liked the tails a little too much. We had trouble getting her to let go sometimes.
But she finally got the hang of it and it got up in the air!
"Look, there it is!"
Mama got in on the action, too.
And then she was done and I was still left holding the kite haha
Uncle David joined us and helped with the bubbles
She has to do everything herself
And, of course, we can't go to the park without a ball
Let's fly a kite every day.

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