
Thursday, February 5, 2015

Love List: On my nightstand

There's a stack of books next to my bed that seems to be growing faster than I can read them. That's ok... I'll get to them some day! Here's what I'm looking forward to right now:
The King's Curse, Philippa Gregory
The Wise Man's Fear, Patrick Rothfuss
Season of Storms, Susanna Kearsley
First Frost, Sarah Addison Allen
Don Quixote, Miguel de Cervantes
The Name of the Rose, Umberto Eco
What are you reading? Please, add to my stack :)


  1. What's on my stack right now:

    *A History of Denmark by Knud J.V. Jepersen
    *Nutureshock: New Thinking About Children By Po Bronson

    I just finished Sun and Moon, Ice and Snow by Jessica Day George which is based one of my favorite fairy tales. A very quick and enjoyable read. (George writes for YA and pretty much everything she writes is quick and enjoyable.)

  2. +1 For Wise Man's Fear. I cannot wait for the third one!

    Good luck with Don Quixote. That is a long read. For an extra challenge, read it in the original Spanish.
