
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Spiritual Thought: Trying to be Better

It's February. How many of you have already abandoned your New Year's Resolutions? That's ok. I didn't even make any this year because they never seem to last. Gotta say, I love seeing the gym empty back down to normal busy-ness.

I've been thinking lately about change. About how I want to change. Nothing drastic, nothing major. I just want to be a better wife, a better mother, a better person. Every night as I say my bedtime prayers, I resolve to do better the next day. More patience. Less selfishness. Speaking kinder.

And just like the gym emptying out by the end of January, by the end of the day I'm not being kind to the dogs. And I just want Hans to come home so I can go to the bathroom by myself. And I can't sing Old McDonald one more time.
All of this makes me so grateful for the Atonement. I am not capable of making these changes by myself. I am weak. But I know that my Savior can make weak things strong. He can change me. So I'll put my trust in him. And try again tomorrow.

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