
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

A fun little week

This week was pretty quiet - nothing too monumental to report. We're still kind of taking it easy after Em's concussion. I guess you could say mama's a little gunshy. Not to mention it was a gross, rainy week.

But we still managed to steal a few moments of fun.
This is my good buddy Adam. We have been friends since 6th grade (we did the math on that and it just made us feel super old...) He was in town for SXSW so Hans and I braved the awful crowds (thanks for stimulating our economy... now please go home) to meet up with Adam and meet his cute new wife downtown. He hasn't changed and it's nice that we can still pick up right where we left off even after all these years.
Thursday I tried to take us to one of the "family-friendly" SXSW events, the do512 Family Picnic. It was such an awful bust, mostly my own fault. It was unexpectedly hot and right in the sun - and I had Em in long pants and long sleeves that day! Oops. Parking was a mess, food was expensive, and I really should have brought some chairs for us to sit on.

It wasn't all bad, though. I thought there was a petting zoo, but I misread and it was an "instrument petting zoo." Oops. But she actually really enjoyed pounding on that drum!
She did dance to the music for about 30 minutes! So I guess we should still count this one a win.
We actually snuck in a quick date night with our friends and neighbors! Thanks to Josh, we put Em to bed and headed over to Gordough's for dessert. Oh. My. Gosh. Such heaven.
Lately Em has been showing a little interest in the big girl potty. I was so excited a couple weeks ago when she went in the bathroom, grabbed some toilet paper and wiped herself over her jeans. #momlife.

So this weekend we took her to the store to pick out her big girl potty. I thought if she did it herself she'd be more excited about it.
Hmmm... decisions, decisions.
I think we have a winner!
She was so proud taking it to the counter and taking it home.
We haven't started potty training en force yet, for several reasons, but for now we are just keeping it around and occasionally seeing if she's interested. Nothing yet, but she's excited to try!

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