
Thursday, March 12, 2015

Love list: Birthday Spoils

Oh man, our girl is so spoiled. In the best possible way - she is so lucky to have so many people who love her and were generous for her birthday. She has had so many new things to play with she doesn't even know where to start. But here are some of her new favorites (if you need a gift idea for a two-year-old):

1. Thinkery membership
We have loved our membership to the Children's Museum and use it frequently. A regular visit is $9 per ticket and a membership is $100 for a family of four, so you only have to go 3-4 times before it pays for itself. Ours expired last month so we were so happy Bapa renewed it as her gift. Memberships make great gifts, especially for kiddos who already have so many "things."
Something with magnets... didn't understand how it works but it made cool patterns when you turn the knob. We hadn't seen this exhibit before - I really like that they keep adding things so there's always something new to try.
Can't go wrong with a parachute.
2. Green Toys Tea set
There's just nothing like a little girl with a tea set. This one is AWESOME because it's one of the only ones I've seen that's not breakable! She picked it up and immediately knew what to do with it. How do kids know?? She just started pouring tea into the cups and then pretending to sip and say "nummy!" Kills me.
She totally set up her animals for a tea party. Made my heart soar. 
This is as I'm trying to get her out the door for a dr's appt. Can't tear her away from it.
Afternoon tea with her Aunt Jenna.
3. Melissa and Doug sandwiches
My brother had the funniest story about buying this. He was at Toys R Us picking up some playdoh and kinetic sand (both also awesome gifts!) and as he headed to the check out, he saw this Melissa and Doug sandwich kit on an endcap. Without stopping or even slowing down, he just nodded, said "Yup!" (out loud) and grabbed one as he walked by. And she totally loves it! She has several wooden food sets for her kitchen, but for some reason this one is her favorite. It's got great mix and match options, so I think she likes that she can experiment with it a lot.

4. B Toys cars
We have been eyeing these Wheeee-is for a while and I don't know why we didn't get them sooner! Grammy Carol was on point with these. They are a great size (she can't put them in her mouth!) and she is fascinated by how to pull them back and let them go. We take these everywhere now.

5. Bubbles
Two of her little friends had the same idea - what kid doesn't love bubbles?? But these bubble gun and Fubbles machines are great because she always wants to do the bubbles herself and hasn't quite mastered the whole blowing through a wand thing. My only complaint with these is that they make our wood floors a little slick so they are definitely outside toys.

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