
Monday, March 30, 2015

Mama Monday: Do-A-Dot Review (and printables!)

Last week was my turn to teach Tot School again and I think it went much more smoothly than the time before. But I'll post more on that next week, when I've had a chance to pull together a better resource list.

But as a little preview I wanted to give a little review of Do-A-Dot markers. I had heard a lot about these from various mommy blogs and wanted to give them a try. They were hard to find! You can get them off Amazon (easiest) for about $15, or you can get them from Michaels and use a 40% off coupon. That's for a pack of six.
Bottom line? These were a TOTAL HIT! I think coloring can be a little hard for kiddos this age to stay in the lines. But the dot markers were easy for them to get exactly in the right spot and I could see expressions of accomplishment and satisfaction on their cute little faces. Mama liked it because it promotes great fine motor skills, wasn't super messy, and encouraged quiet, focused attention.

I think we'll be doing a lot more dot marker time in the future. And just for funsies, I made a couple dot marker coloring pages if you want to try out. Enjoy!
A, B, and C dot pages (download)

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