I've been thinking a lot lately about General Conference. I felt like there was a particular emphasis on families and the responsibility parents have to teach the Gospel to their children. This is definitely an area where I feel like we can improve.
We have been having "family home evening" with Emma since she was very little, but I use that term lightly. It lasts maybe 10 minutes max and usually involves a song (or singing "Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam" 10 times in a row) and then we have been going through the
Book of Mormon videos on the Mormon Channel.
Sidebar: Monday night, we were watching Captain Moroni Defeats Zerahemnah. After the video, we try to ask Emma some questions about what was in the video.
"What did you see?" we asked her.
She proudly responds, "Nipples!"
... well, she's not wrong...
Anyway... back on topic. We want to make FHE a little more meaningful. We've come up with a list of topics to cover for the rest of the year and I'm looking into making felt board images to go with each topic. Here's our topic list - please let me know if you have suggestions for ideas or activities that will make this more engaging and fun for our little one!
Heavenly Father
Jesus Christ
Holy Ghost
My Body
How to pray/be reverent
Being thankful
Saying i’m sorry
Telling the Truth
Love everyone
Night and day
Sky, earth, sea
Plants and trees
Sun, moon, and stars
Birds and fish
Sabbath Day
Adam and Eve
Plan of salvation
Jonah and the whale
Daniel and the lion's den
Noah’s ark
David and goliath
First vision
The Prophets
Families can be together forever
Nephi retrieves the plates
Tree of life and iron rod
Moroni and title of liberty
Moses 10 commandments/red sea
Wise man and foolish man
Lost sheep

Also wanted: Suggestions for family scripture study. I ordered this guy because I remember using it when we were kids. Any other good "toddler friendly" scripture study helps? Thanks!