
Friday, April 24, 2015

Freebie Friday: Send a Little Sunshine

I can't call this original idea - I have seen several variations on the "sending a box of sunshine your way" gift basket before. But when I actually went to send one, I couldn't find a tag I liked to go with it. They all seemed a bit too... cute-sy for my taste. I wanted just something simple.
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So if you're looking for a simple tag to go with a fun yellow gift, feel free to download and pass along some sunshine!
This box has a lemon candle, bath sponge, lemon verbena soap, eos lipbalm, gum, crystal light lemonade, candy, highlights, and a yellow notebook. It was really fun walking around Target finding all the cute yellow things! You could also do things like socks, nailpolish, etc depending on the recipient's age.

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