
Tuesday, June 2, 2015

One step back...

Two steps forward, right?

Lately, I can't shake this feeling that I'm stretched a bit too thin. They are all good things - more projects for work, summer fun with Punkito, trying to keep my house clean (why do dishes and laundry never cease?), planning an upcoming trip, and a million and one other things that keep cropping up.

I'm trying to prioritize. And let go of things that don't really matter (I really CAN do the dishes tomorrow, but today we have sunshine for the first time in weeks, so we MUST go to the park).

One of the things that I decided wasn't a huge priority right now is this blog. I love it and it's a great outlet for me, but it was also becoming a source of stress trying to keep up with a self-imposed schedule. And for what? It's not like I have a huge following or am sharing vitally important information. So it's going in the backseat. And if there happens to be a day like today where I feel totally not up for anything but sitting on the couch puttering on my computer (and letting that MOUND of clothes on my bed wait another day), then I'll blog. But no stress.

Here's a little catch up in pictures. Em and I went to Houston for a week a while back because our HVAC unit kicked the bucket in a bad way. There was water all over our upstairs and leaking through the floor into the garage. It had to be completely replaced which was (expensive) and time consuming. The carpet had to be pulled up and industrial fans run under it to prevent mold. All of this in the hall right outside Em's bedroom. It just seemed like a better idea to take her away for a while until it could be brought under control.

Despite the inauspicious circumstances, we ended up having a pretty great time. Thanks to my sweet family for the last-minute hosting us!

This fun little splash pad is right next to the elementary school where i started kindergarten. Weird.
It was a cute splash pad, but wish it had more shade!
He loves sharks. She does not. She kept handing them to me and saying "don't like it." Turns out there is something my fearless girl is afraid of.
Don't you love it when Aaron takes video without your knowledge?

Uncle Aaron does a great job with the bedtime story... he does all the voices!
All that playing and being away from home really wore her out. I love watching her sleep. 
After she woke up, she just wanted to take selfies. It scares me how she's already the selfie queen.
Dancing is probably their favorite thing to do together.

Ry just got his big boy bed set up and they climbed in together. She surprised me with how much she liked it. 
She kinda took over and made herself right at home.
She also took over his dinner. He's not gonna eat it? She will. All at once.
It rained a lot but we still managed to get in a little park visit! 
Why does she always want to play with the big kid toys?
Oh, the hats!
This is summer! Fun in the beautiful backyard.
My sweet godmother created a "grandchildren bedroom" at her house. It has two sets of bunk beds with matching bedding and pillows with their names on it. It was too cute to handle.
It turned out so dark, but it was the sweetest picture of them reading together. We love mimi!

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