
Friday, July 10, 2015

Fireworks... Loud!

Hey strangers.

I had a couple minutes tonight so I thought I'd do a photo dump of our wonderful Fourth of July weekend! We had such a great time. It's my godbrother's favorite holiday and I think I am starting to see why.

Friday night we went to watch a special holiday performance of the Houston Symphony at the Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion. This was such a special thing to go to for me. My parents used to take my brothers and I to it every year growing up. I think the first time I went was probably 20 years ago. It's one of my favorite childhood memories and it was so fun to be able to share that with my own sweet girl.
She was really in to it! She absolutely loved the music.
She was getting down the whole night.

Cute little friends enjoying the show.
It ends with the 1812 Overture during which they shoot off old canons in time with the music. Emma looked really scared but when I looked down I noticed she was signing for "more" in her lap. I guess she liked it!

The next morning we headed over to my godparents' new community pool. It's absolutely amazing! A little mini schlitterbahn. Em was in heaven and we spent three hours there. I thought we'd never get her out.
Always on her stomach. I don't know why!
What is it about these little flags? She absolutely loved playing with it!
Of course, we had to have a little backyard dance party. Ryan's got moves like you wouldn't believe.
Aw, they love each other.
Why is it so hard to get two kids to smile at once?
Just a little throwback fun here... their first fourth of July two years ago. My goodness how they have changed.
And off to ice cream! This kid is addicted (Emma is, too)
The Woodlands moved their fireworks this year and I didn't love it. We couldn't figure out where to go to watch them and ended up in a church parking lot. Even after the sun went down, the pavement was radiating heat and Emma couldn't really run around and play because of all the cars. Still, it was an amazing show and we really loved it.
At first she seemed a little scared, but then she got really into it and every time one went off she'd say "Oh my goodness!" She said it so many times everyone around us was cracking it.
She got super cuddly (because of the noise I think) - but hey! I'll take it.
Happy Birthday, America! Thanks for the great celebration.

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