
Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Our girl is three

What. How is this possible?
This year I definitely wasn't feeling up to throwing a big party like previous years, but we still wanted to do something special for Em's third birthday. We asked her what she wanted and she said "red balloons" and "birthday cake." Well, easy enough!
We invited a bunch of her friends and met at the park for some light breakfast (donuts and fruit) and some delicious cupcakes that somehow ended up with all their frosting licked off. Seriously, did any kid actually eat a cupcake? She ran around like a maniac with her best friends all morning and couldn't be happier.
In the evening we had a little family celebration and opened some presents. This kid is so spoiled and has so many toys we really didn't want to get her any more "things." Books, of course, are always welcome so she got some of those and some things that she needed (a couple pairs of shoes!) and her present from us a soccer team sign-up. Oma got her a soccer ball to help get her excited. I can't wait to see her play!
One special present from my parents - my mom dug up a bunch of my old clothes from when I was Emma's age. She's a lot bigger than I was at that age, but we are all getting such a kick out of seeing her rockin' these duds from the 80s. Model baby, huh?
Happy Birthday, Punkito. We love you to pieces.

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