
Monday, June 2, 2014

Little Man baby shower

Punkito is teething. Every time she gets teeth, her nose turns into a faucet, she doesn't want to eat, and she has trouble sleeping. I could look and see that her bottom left canine was poking up, but hadn't quite cut through yet. At her 15 month well-check, her pediatrician peeked in her mouth and saw not only that canine pushing up, but her three other canines, plus her top two molars. That's right, folks, my kid has six teeth coming in right now. That explains why the last few days have been so incredibly difficult. We are tired. And a little stressed. It'll pass, right? We can do it.

So please accept that explanation as my pathetic excuse for why I'm not doing a full Mama Monday post. Instead, I'm going to reach back (way back) and re-visit a baby shower my friend Candace and I threw a year and a half ago for our good friend, Danielle, before she had her sweet baby boy Jackson. We went with a "Little Man" theme. Hopefully this will help if you have a shower to plan coming up.

And now back to our regularly-scheduled teething.

Note: Candace is an extremely talented photographer so pretty much all the photos from this post are borrowed (with her permission, of course) from her blog. Check out her website, Rememory Photography, if you need a great photographer!

Bunting banner: It's just scrapbook paper, folks. I cut out large triangles and slightly smaller ones in a different pattern and layered them. Then I cut out a ton of mustaches from black scrapbook paper and glue them on top. I punched holes and strung them on a blue ribbon. It's a cheap project, though slightly time intensive. All paper from Hobby Lobby.
Mustache table topper: Candace got this one, but I think it was just a yard or two from Joann's Fabrics.
Onesie banner: I recycled some preemie ones of Punkito's, then ironed on mustaches from Hobby Lobby. The squares are just cut from kraft paper, layered with regular scrapbook paper. I found a mustache font (KG flavor and frames) and printed the little sayings right on the kraft paper.
And, of course, some of those ubiquitous tissue paper poms. A pain to make, but easy and cheap decorations

Guess Jackson's birthday: Frame - Michaels, mustache stamp - Michaels, chevron scrapbook paper - Hobby Lobby, Calendar I just printed on my own
Guess how many diapers: Can't remember where the jar came from... Costco? She got to keep both the diapers and the jar
Mustache mugs (prizes): Mugs from Home Goods, I drew the mustaches on with Sharpie and baked at 350 for half an hour. We filled them with hershey kisses. I'm told the mustaches did not stay on after washing :(
Pin the mustache on the baby: Free hand sharpie on posterboard, then cut out mustaches from black construction paper
Name that 'stacheInstructions found here. This was so fun and different than other baby shower games! But it was hard...

Food (inspiration:
Maple bacon skewers (instructions)
Donut hole/fruit skewers: we just alternated donut holes with strawberries and blackberries and that was it!
Mini quiche (Costco)
Sausage crescent bites (recipe)
Blueberry muffins
Chocolate cupcakes with vanilla icing
Blue lemonade: I can't find the original recipe I used, but it's country time lemonade, blue raspberry koolaid, water and sugar
Mustache mold: Amazon, melting chocolate and popsicle sticks from Hobby Lobby

If you're interested, this is the Pinterest board I made during my planning for inspiration. Original links (as well as additional ideas I didn't use) can be found there. 

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