
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Splash pad success!

Today is day five in this not-so-fun streak. I'm getting ready to call Gitmo and loan them Punkito if they're fresh out of torture ideas. (too soon?)

But part of the point of this blog was to help me focus on the good instead of the bad. And let's be real, as difficult as the past few days have been, there have still been moments of sheer bliss and beautiful smiles and so much fun.

Saturday morning was one of those near-perfect times. We continued our exploration of Austin's murals with the awesome "Greetings from Austin" postcard (South first, if you're looking for it!)
It's right near the Gourdough's donut trailer so it was a perfect excuse to try it. Oh. My. Gosh. A week's worth of calories but soooo amazing. Mine was topped with cream cheese and strawberries, his had cream cheese and cinnamon sugar. It's not the kind of place you can go to on the regular, but now I want someone to come visit so we have an excuse to take them.
We had planned to go the Ricky Guerrero splash pad, but it was broken :( So we left and headed to Butler Park. I've tried taking Em to splash pads three or four times and she hated it. Haaaaaaated it. Cried and clung to my legs and wouldn't go near it. Apparently, she just needed her daddy to help her.
He eased her into it, sitting near just one jet and sticking a hand and a toe in until she got used to it. Eventually she was stomping on it and running around in the water having a blast. We stayed until Hans' neck and cheeks were pink and Punkito's hands and feet were all wrinkly. We can't wait to go back again!



    1. It's a deal!!! Tell me when you're free and we will go. Can't wait to see you :)
