Today as Hans was cleaning out one of our extra bedrooms he looks at me and asks "Why do we have so many books?"
Because books are awesome. And we are nerds to the core. And doing our very, very best to pass that on to our little one.
Thankfully, so far she LOVES to read. One of the first things she does in the morning is point to a stack on the nightstand and ask "buh?" My little ball of energy hardly ever sits still, but she will sit with me in her rocker for half an hour and read book after book. I love it. Every time we go to Barnes and Noble or Target (like, once a week) I have to resist that urge to buy every book in the place for her. It's a real struggle!
These are her favorites - we read them over and over. I think I can recite them in my sleep. What are your kids recommendations? We need some more variety and I think I see an Amazon spree in my future...
Ten apples up on top, My Daddy and I, Going on a bear hunt, Bark George, Big Dog...Little Dog, any elephant and Piggie books (my kids think these are hilarious and they are great for beginning readers) are some of my kids favorites :)